The Chinese have used herbal medicine to treat illnesses in humans and animals for thousands of years. Herbal medications are a balanced formula of several different herbs suited to treat specific conditions based on the animal’s TCVM diagnosis and constitution. Herbal medicine and acupuncture are often used together to compliment each other and enhance the therapeutic effect.

If an animal is uncooperative with acupuncture, Chinese herbs can be used alone. Most companion animals readily accept herbal medicine. Some herbal formulas are used for a short time and some are used for longer periods. Herbal medicine should only be used after a competent veterinarian has made an accurate TCVM diagnosis.

Advantages of Herbal Medicine:

  • animals tend not to experience harsh side effects
  • often improve or reverse conditions by treating the root problem
  • well tolerated by the animal

Common conditions treated with Chinese Herbal Medicine, but not limited to:

  • Atopy
  • Arthritis
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Tendon and ligament problems
  • Incontinence
  • Neurologic conditions
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vestibular conditions
  • Cancer
  • Canine Cognitive Dysfunction
  • Anxiety
  • Immune conditions

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